Friday, August 28, 2009


It's been so much fun getting together once a month to work on our quilting projects. One of the funnest aspects about it, is getting inspired by each other. This month Lori was voted the "MOST INSPIRATIONAL!" She brought three of her lastest projects to show us. I'm sad to say that for somehow I deleted the picture of one of her quilts off my camera. (Lori- you're going to have to take a picture of the turn-over quilt and post it.) It's worth seeing so we need to make sure it gets on the blog.

Lori's Bull's Eye quilt was done with three other friends.  They each did a certain number of blocks and them cut them in forths and traded with one another and put them all back together again.  It turned out awesome.
The other one is a seasonal sampler that she did with a class. It's so darn cute too!While the rest of you were buying cute designer fabric I was rumaging through my scraps and shopping for remnants for this. I call it, "I've Created a Monster". I don't know if it's the actual size or the busy-ness of it, but it seems HUGE and WILD.  Sometimes I look at it and hate it and then other times I look at it and kind of like it.  I can't wait to have it quilted to see if I end up liking it full time.  I think next time I'll stick to cute designer fabric!

1 comment:

  1. Well Connie...I think it's the cutest monster I've ever seen!!!! Ans Lori....Holy cow, I'm impressed!!! Both of your Quilts are awesome, who are they for? If you raffle them, I'll buy lots of tickets, jk!
